M-STO/04 Trimester III, April 19 – June 28, 2006, Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9 – 10:45 a.m.
Kevin G. Barnhurst, Ph.D., Professor & Head, Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago
Office Hours, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., and by appointment. E-mail,
Considers the form of the U.S. press at the end of the nineteenth century, before exploring in detail the transformation of the traditional newspaper into the modern newspaper through the twentieth century. Reviews the stages in the style, production, and ideology of modernism to the high-modern moment of U.S. journalism, and its diffusion internationally and migration onto the internet. This is too much work!
To develop an intellectual map of modernism in journalism history
To increase knowledge needed to analyze visual forms of news
To reach these goals, the course will include the following activities:
Reading. Each class session will require reading a chapter or article in advance. Textbook: Barnhurst, Kevin G., and John Nerone. 2001." The Form of News, A History." New York: Guilford.
Wiki. Students will have access to a wiki space containing the text of the reading assignments in English and must interact with the site, commenting on the reading assignment each week.
The wiki space is accessible at the following URL: PW: fon
Discussion. Students must come prepared to discuss the assigned readings based on notes, including any questions that arose while reading. Students should be prepared to hand in these notes.
Viewing. Each week, each student is expected to come to class with at least one visual example from the news in print (from the press), illustrating an issue from that week’s topic.
Research. Each student will complete a research paper, applying a course topic to the Italian media.
Exam. For the exam, each student will give a presentation and discussion of an original research project that demonstrates the skills developed for analyzing visual forms of the news media.
Participation grades are based on attentiveness, preparedness, and contributions to seminar discussions. Research presentations are scheduled for three sessions at the end of the course.
Grading will be based on attendance (8 percent), participation in the wiki reading (14 percent), participation in seminar discussions (8 percent), visual examples (6 percent), research presentation (40 percent), and the exam (24 percent).
Class attendance is essential for success in the course. Anyone unable to come fully prepared should attend the seminar anyway. In case of illness or another emergency, an absence may be excused. Please inform the instructor in advance, and provide documentation.
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